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School Meals

Break Time Arrangements

Nursery and Reception children have continual indoor/outdoor access throughout the day. In addition, Reception to Year 6 children access the outdoor areas during their morning break time and lunchtime. Please ensure that your child has a coat so that they will be comfortable whatever the weather.

Drinks, Snacks & Free Milk

As a Healthy School, the children may only eat fruit or vegetables at playtime. Children in all classes are encouraged to bring a sports bottle of still water to school (sports bottles will not spill if knocked over. Only still water is permitted.  Please label your child’s water bottle. 

We are part of the National Healthy Schools Programme and have recently achieved the highest qualification possible-the prestigious National Qualification.

Lunchtime Arrangements

At Clytha Primary School, school staff and midday supervisors care for the children during lunchtimes and will encourage all pupils to eat their meals, interact with each other and ensure sensible behaviour in the hall and outside.


Chartwells is the Newport Local Authority School Meals provider. Cooked meals are provided in the main hall each lunch time for all children wishing to stay to lunch. Meals are not cooked on the premises but on the Gaer Primary School site.  We offer a secure payment system for school meals called ParentPay. ParentPay allows parents to make payments to a secure online account, accessed by a unique username and password. Parents will receive these unique usernames and passwords at the start of the school year. We are unable to accept cheques or money at school for cooked meals. All school meals must be booked and paid for online, via ParentPay, in advance. The deadline for ordering a school meal for your child via Parent Pay is 9.00am on the day of the meal.  After this time, you will need to notify the office that you require a meal with the latest time being 9.15am. All pupils will be provided with a copy of the School Menu to enable parents to make informed choices. Please advise the school if your child develops a food allergy, or has any other dietary requirements, for example, vegetarian, Halal, etc. It is the policy of Chartwells that a medical note must be provided for dietary requirements, if your child has any specific dietary requirements please contact Chartwells on 01633 265787.


Some parents prefer to provide a packed lunch and drink for their child. When this is the case we would request, for safety reasons, that you do not provide drinks in either cans or glass bottles. As we are a healthy school we would encourage parents to provide a healthy and nutritious packed lunch. Anything with nuts is not permitted due to children with nut allergies.


If you are in receipt of certain qualifying benefits, you may be entitled to free school meals. Visit for further information, call 01633 656656 or email


Please click here for our menu.

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