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We aim to secure a smooth transition for all pupils between year groups and onto other schools. A detailed Transition Process takes place between class teachers, sharing essential information about each child and with frequent visits to the next class, for the children during the summer term.

Each class teacher produces a booklet with information about the class, such as the Support Staff working in that class, P.E. times, Home-Learning expectations and projects for the year, along with any other relevant information. This is sent home at the end of the summer term for each child to read and feel more ready and comfortable about the year ahead.


There is an opportunity for families to ‘Meet the Teacher’ early in the Autumn Term, where details about the class and learning are given and families get the opportunity to ask questions. Parent Teacher Consultations are held throughout the year and as the first is in September, it is a wonderful opportunity for both school and families to engage in dialogue to meet the needs of our pupils.


Transition for our pupils to Year 3 and High School is carefully planned and begins as early as January each year. Transition is the focus of a weekly session in Y6, dedicated to ensuring that our pupils make a happy move to High School and that they settle almost immediately. A booklet is produced by the children each year, as a ‘Guide to High School’ and this is sent home for the children to read and remind themselves of their strategies to deal with any situations they have discussed.

There are frequent visits to each High School and many High School Y7 Lead Teachers visit the children in class, often taking a lesson. The John Frost High School provides opportunities for pupils from Y5, resulting in a wonderful Cluster Performance. In Y6 there is a Mathematics and English teaching morning, in addition to the many additional transition activities that take place. The John Frost High School also hold an annual Transition Meeting at Clytha for parents to learn more about the school and ask questions.


Y6 teachers meet with High School staff to ensure that all relevant information about each child is passed on and to help the Y7 teachers feel that they really know our pupils. It has been said by High School staff on many occasions that pupils from Clytha settle into High School incredibly well and their maturity and readiness to learn really stands out. We think our Transition Process helps this.

Transition at Clytha is bespoke and we will always do our utmost to ensure that if additional visits or provision needs to take place, to meet the needs of any pupil, then we will arrange it.

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